
ACTIVE RECOVERY: The Cross Train with Ciara Lucas


There’s more to marathon training than just running. Athletes should incorporate cross training exercises into their routine to strengthen their bodies and prevent injury. A variety of activities can count as cross training; cycling, swimming, yoga/pilates, and strength training. 

Aim for two sessions of cross training per week. Here are six exercises to gain strength and power. While in a training cycle, it’s important to aim for high repetitions with light to moderate weight. 


Standing lat pulldown 

Try it out: Repeat for 10 reps. 


Bent over row + tricep extension 

Try it out: Repeat for 10 reps. 


Squat jumps 

Try it out: Do this exercise for 20-30 secs. 


Hip bridges 

Try it out: Repeat for 10-15 reps. 



Try it out: Hold for 30 secs. 


Shoulder taps

Try it out: Do this exercise for 30 secs. 


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