Patty Olino
Scrubs & Stripes: Scrubs because as a nurse this is not only my uniform, but a representation of my passion. Stripes because not only do I LIVE in this pattern, but also because as I seek to continuously grow, I’m always striving to earn my stripes.

what do you love about this shoe?
“I love the Avery slip-ons because they are so versatile both for the workplace and outside of it. They go with just about everything including a casual spring/summer outfit and of course scrubs! I can attest to their comfort having walked in them for miles on end. They’re the shoe I didn’t think I needed, and now I can’t live without them.”
what does being unstoppable
mean to you?
“Being a nurse, I see a lot of difficulties that life presents to humanity. From hindrances, to heartbreak, to tragedies, and everything in between - there are many things that could stop us from achieving whatever it is we want out of life. But being unstoppable means having a clear vision and ensuring that vision becomes a reality regardless of the obstacles that may arise.”
what’s your unstoppable story?
“When I decided to go into nursing school, I was told quite blankly by one of the nursing advisors to, ‘reconsider my career path’ because the nursing program at our school the way she put it was far too competitive to even consider. I took her warning with a grain of salt and for the next few years of my undergraduate studies excelled in all the pre-req courses, got accepted in the first round, and graduated with honors. I am proud to say I’m now an ICU nurse despite her forewarning. I didn’t let her dismissive attitude dissuade me from pursuing a career in healthcare that I knew was right for me.”